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Re: Fully open source java (and jsp) under Woody and Sarge

On Mon, Dec 13, 2004 at 07:32:17PM +0000, rec.sea@btopenworld.com wrote:
> Is there a list of Open Source jre / sdk / j2ee equivalents available for 
> Debian somewhere?

Although there are now a good many free JVMs in Debian Main now, I have 
been utterly unsuccessful at getting Eclipse to be happy with any of 
them.  They are valid enough for taking raw .java files and producing 
some sort of code with them, but they aren't drop-in replacements.

IMO you have to bite the bullet and install the non-free Blackdown Java 
if you care at all about Eclipse or doing Java-ish things in Apache, 
unless you want to live in utter hackdom and have at best a poorly 
performing Kludge.

It's really scandalous.  One Day there will be a free JVM and all will 
rejoice, but that day is not today.

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