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Re: uname problem??

On Sat, Sep 18, 2004 at 02:54:43PM +0100, Eddy Parris wrote:
> Hallo
> I am having terrible problems with my system, I think coreutils was upgraded in my last apt-get
> update/upgrade and now uname does not seem to function like it should, it behave rather like
> fsck... thus rendering many start up scripts useless and making my computer not boot properly.
> uname should print out system information, but the version i have seems to wants to be fsck, here
> is the out put from uname run without any switches
> shell:~#uname
> Usage: uname [-panyrcdfvstDFSV] [-b superblock] [-B blocksize]
> [-I indoe_buffer_blocks] [-P process_inode_size]
> [-l|-L bad_blocks_file] p-C fd] [-j ext-journal]
> [-E extended-options] device
> Emergency help:
> -p automatic repair
> -n make no changes to the filesystem
> -y assume 'yes' to all questions
> -c check for bad blocks and add the to the badblock list
> -f force checking even if filesystem is marked clean
> -v be verbose
> -b superblock use alternative superblock
> -B blocksize force blocksize when looking for superblock
> -j external-journal set location of the external journal
> -l bad_blocks_file add to badblocks list
> -L bad_blocks_file set badblocks list
> yes, very suspiciously like the output of fsck --help (which im not going to put here as i just
> had to type the above by hand copying from my other monitor :P).
> I really am at a loose end, i dont know why or how this happened, as i say i rebooted about
> 12hours after having apt-get updated/upgraded and found that my system was unable to start
> properly because uname is used in so many start up scripts... all that it was printing to the
> screen during boot was the usage of the supposed uname (ie wats above).
> Does anyone know wat has happened here? or can anyone point me in the direction of wat i should do
> to recover uname etc... i think ihave carried out the siplest checks by trying to upgrade/update
> again, checking that uname is not a funny symlink and stuff...
> Rah, this really has me stumped!

I suspect filesystem corruption...

Boot from a Knoppix/Gnoppix/etc CD and /sbin/fsck your partitions, since
it is possible (probable, seeing how mangled uname is) that the
installed fsck is non-working.

The world's most effective spam filter:
        ln -sf /dev/full /var/mail/$USER

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