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Re: Streaming audio

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On Friday 17 September 2004 14:21, Andrea Vettorello wrote:
> > Like it or not, if we want to get people to consider using an OS other
> > than Windows, it's going to have to be possible for them to use tools
> > that are compatible with what they're used to. It isn't realistic to tell
> > a potential Linux user to get the website to change the way they're
> > sending data - we have to be able to tell them how to receive what the
> > website is sending.
> You are beating a dead horse here. I've forgot to mention that mplayer
> to play WMV files use an hack that has a lot of drawbacks. It uses
> some windos .dll's to achieve compatibility, so it's probably not
> legal and for sure works only on x86 architectures.
> Don't expect the situation to change soon, this is the microsoft old
> tactic to lock-in users...

And they are *SO* good at it. :(

We are near the point that we can get people away from Windows.. I find many 
people like OOo better than MSOffice. Gimp is every bit as good as Photoshop. 
The list goes on.

It's the *LITTLE* things that cause the problems, though. Crossover allows 
MediaPlayer to run under Linux ... but it shouldn't *HAVE* to. Until and 
unless this does change, it's a barrier to selling a superior system.
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