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Re: Streaming audio

On Fri, 17 Sep 2004 14:02:43 -0500, Michael Satterwhite
<michael@weblore.com> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Friday 17 September 2004 12:25, Silvan wrote:
> > > A lot of websites with streaming audio use the Windows Media Format for
> > > their streams. How can these be listened to (live) from Linux. Surely
> > > *SOMEONE* has solved this.
> >
> > We have lots of things to try, but in my experience Windows media stuff is
> > a lost cause.  If it isn't Real Player or MP3, write them a nasty letter
> > and save yourself hours of futile effort.
> While writing them a nasty letter might make *ME* feel better, I'm realistic
> enough to know that it isn't going to change what they're using for streaming
> audio.
> Like it or not, if we want to get people to consider using an OS other than
> Windows, it's going to have to be possible for them to use tools that are
> compatible with what they're used to. It isn't realistic to tell a potential
> Linux user to get the website to change the way they're sending data - we
> have to be able to tell them how to receive what the website is sending.

You are beating a dead horse here. I've forgot to mention that mplayer
to play WMV files use an hack that has a lot of drawbacks. It uses
some windos .dll's to achieve compatibility, so it's probably not
legal and for sure works only on x86 architectures.

Don't expect the situation to change soon, this is the microsoft old
tactic to lock-in users...


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