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Confusing sound issues (ALSA, jackd, etc.)


I'm having a few problems getting jackd to work 
on my Debian box (testing, kernel 2.6.7)
The soundcard is a Soundblaster Live.

Sequencial summary (so far):

ALSA seems to be working, that is: playback works.
Haven't tried recording yet. So I installed Ardour.

Ardour won't work unless jackd is running, which it wasn't:

Ardour/GTK 0.453.1 running with libardour 0.728.1
Loading UI configuration file /etc/ardour/ardour_ui.rc
ardour: [ERROR]: Could not connect to JACK server as  "ardour"

Aha, jackd it is, then.
Tried starting jackd (or jackstart, as a regular user):

cannot get realtime capabilities, current capabilities are:
=ep cap_setpcap-e
probably running under a kernel with capabilities disabled,
a suitable kernel would have printed something like "=eip"

Hm. Found out I needed the LSM realtime module.
Why didn't the error message just say this?
Or point to some place with more info on the problem?

Even though I read somewhere that latency issues 
and such was now dealt with in kernel config, not 
in patches or modules? Could be my mistake. No big deal.

Made sure kernel was configured as per the instructions 
for building the LSM realtime module. Meaning:


Built a kernel including the above options, then 
downloaded, compiled and installed the LSM realtime module, 
and it's seemed to load OK with no error messages:

# modprobe realtime allcaps=1
# lsmod | grep realtime
realtime                9616  0

Tried starting jackd (or jackstart, as a regular user):
Now it just says 'illegal instruction'. Nothing more.
No matter what arguments I give.

By the way:
LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.19 is set in .bash_profile 
to account for the 'creating SCHED_FIFO threads 
for real-time processing'-issue mentioned on 

Is jackd (the debian package) compiled with all necessary flags?
Like --enable-capabilites ? How do I find out?

*Taking a deep breath*
I've spent more time than I like to admit tinkering with this, 
reading faqs, guides and tips from everywhere, but still not 
getting it to work. I'm just about ready to throw the towel in
and go back to win98 (only for audio recording). 

Tried Agnula's DeMuDi, a dedicated Linux distro for Audio work, 
which indeed looked promising, and may work well, but:

1) v1.0 didn't recognize my serial mouse (Hellooo???)
2) v1.2 didn't recognize itself (the CD) as a valid Debian CD
   and refused to install (could be my CDROM needs a cleaning?)

But I digress...

The more I read the more questions I have, like:

- What FAQ, guide, tutorial etc. is the most 
  authoritative and updated on the subject?
  Differences abound, depending on kernel version, etc.

- What files must be present for all this to work,
  (ALSA, jackd and all features of Soundblaster Live)
  on a system running the 2.6.7 kernel,
  and what magic do they possibly contain?

-Why on Earth must all this be so convoluted? (sigh...)
 This is by far the biggest show stopper for me since, 
 starting with Linux (first time in '95). I am most 
 certainly not a guru, but no newbie anymore, either.
 I would like to spend some time actually doing some 
 (audio) work, too. And my family likes to see my face in awhile.
 Is there a script available that takes the guesswork out of the  
 installation of all of the necessary components?
 Obviously I'm not a programmer, so making one is out of my league.

Sorry for whining, but now it's out of my system...
I'm not subscribing to debian-user, but will search 
the mailing list for (hopefully) any answers. 
They will be most appreciated...

Feel free to cc me your opinion, though.

Thanks in advance,


Inge Thorin Eidsaether
probot at warpmail dot net

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