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Random loss of domain name resolution!

Dear:  Fellow Gnu/Linux Debian users.

I am at a loss as to solve this problem, other than to reinstall 
Debian Sarge.  I am using a cable connection, with DHCP enabled 
getting a permannet IP address from my hardware Zyxel ZyWall router, 
which allows me to set IPs according to MAC addresses.  I am using 
my cable companies DNS servers, other settings.  As far as Debian is 
concerned its DHCP but always gets the same IP address by the 

When I surf the internet, sometimes after about a minute of trying to 
load a webpage it times out on me with a DNS resolve error.  Then if 
I immediately try to ping the webpage, it does not print anything to 
the screen.  It just sits their like its waiting for input.  I have 
to ctrl C to stop it. If I use traceroute on the web page, or any 
web page it does the same thing.  

When I switch to a different machine, I am able to get to the webpage 
in question, and everything works. I am able to ping the webpage, 
and traceroute the page, so I know it is a faulty Debian setup on 
that one machine.  Now after about two to three minutes everything 
is working fine on the faulty machine.  Ping works normally, 
traceroute works, I am able to get to the webpage.  But for the life 
of me I am unable to find the problem. 

I have searched my logs and have found just a few odd links like this 
one for fetchmail found in syslog.
[Jun  9 07:55:34 Raiz_mpx fetchmail[12263]: POP3 connection to 
pop-server.xxxx.xxxx failed: temporary name server error.]

This one is from user.log.
[Jun  8 06:51:26 Raiz_mpx xfs: ignoring font path 
element /usr/lib/X11/fonts/cyri
llic/ (unreadable)]

from daemon.log I get this:
[Jun 10 09:09:21 Raiz_mpx identd[15555]: started
Jun 10 10:53:03 Raiz_mpx identd[15633]: started
Jun 10 11:03:25 Raiz_mpx identd[15644]: started
Jun 10 11:50:09 Raiz_mpx identd[15699]: started]

I have no clue if this is normal or not, it could explain the 
outages.  identd could be restarting when I am trying to access the 
internet, but google is lacking on this mater.

I have used aptitude to look for broken packages, or packages that 
are misconfigured.  So far everything I have tried has not solved my 
problem.  This machine has been updated a few times,  from a 2.4 
kernel, to a 2.6 kernel.  If I go back to a 2.4 kernel it still has 
the same problem.  I would like to solve this problem, or do I have 
to reinstall from scratch.  Everything else seems to work fine, I am 
using a ext3 journaled file system, nothing has jumped out as being 
broken other than this.



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