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No fonts/text in GTK2 apps

Since some time I don't have any fonts/text in GTK2 apps anymore.
Everywhere characters should be , there's void and spacing is like minimal,
so it looks like font nothing, with space 0 is selected or so.
The configure app switch (for GTK1) has text, switch2 is empty like the rest
of the GTK2 apps.

I normally use KDE, so it's not a very big deal but Mozilla recently
switched to GTK2 for firefox 0.9rc and now it's starting to become
annoying. Anybody ANY idea where to start looking?

It looks like all dependencies for my packages are met. (lib)Pango, freetype
and xft are all installed and up and running (as far as I understand). GTK1
apps work normal, like I said...


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