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Re: Replicating Debian Systems

ummmm.... floppy disk? None of these servers have floppy disk drives, and I can't really recall seeing a server or workstation (or notebook for that matter) that had a floppy disk drive in it over the last year or two or three....

That's what confused me too.... I've seen references to "copy the driver or mod to a floppy disk" or "load it from floppy" but that doesn't seem really practical.

Would it work if I put the file on a cd? Has anyone tried loading an optional drive or module from cd?

Ralph Crongeyer wrote:
Yes there is a "driver disk", If you add your driver to the disk then during the install (someware) it asks you if you want/need to load 3rd party drivers? At that point insert the driver disk and answer yes, then it should ask you for the source of the driver and you would select your floppy drive. Then it will give you a list of drivers on the disk and you select the one you want.

Thanks Ralph! I'm downloading the Beta 4 CDs right now :)

Can you (or anyone else) perhaps also give me a pointer to how I would
add drivers or kernel mods that weren't included in the distribution
during the installation process?

I'd like to know in case I need to do it in the future (and just for my
own edification :) ).


Ralph Crongeyer wrote:

Yup beta 4 does have the e1000 drivers on it. I installed this box with
beta 3 and it had them also. But 4 also has them.


After trying to get Debian deployed in a client project for over a year,
 I've been successfuly in having it approved for use on a 6-server
project that we're doing.

But, I've got a problem that I'd like some direction with.

My experience with Debian has basically been that I've had no problem
getting the actual distribution up and running -- I simply install from
the Sarge ISOs on CD, and then customize what I want or upgrade to Sid
in some cases.

But in my first attempt at installing on these boxes, using my Beta 2
Installer, I got an error message that it didn't have drivers for the
E1000 gigabit nics on these servers. (I've never used a gigabit nics
before with Debian, only with FC and RH).

Here's my question:

a) does Beta 4 have the e1000 drivers?

b) If not, how do I load the e1000 drivers during the install? Or for
that matter, how do I load ANY drivers during install that aren't part
of the Sarge or Sid distributions?

Thanks for any advice!


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