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Re: c++ hello world help

Martin Dickopp wrote:
Kevin Mark <kmark+debian-user@pipeline.com> writes:
~/cpluscplus\% cat page23.cpp #include <iostream.h>
int main() { cout << "Hello, World!\n"; return 0; }
The complier correctly diagnoses that the program uses antiquated
language features.  This is a friendly reminder that if the last seven
or more years haven't been long enough to catch up with the language,
you'd better hurry up, since compilers will not support the early 1990's
C++ forever. ;-)

Although all the textbooks I've ever seen always use <iostream.h> instead of <iostream> in their first "example" hello world programs.

(Maybe I should buy new textbooks and spend more instead of using cheaper, used textbooks :)

Harshwardhan Nagaonkar
Electrical Engineering Sysop
Brigham Young University - 84602

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