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Re: Samba problem resolved: roaming profiles wouldn't

on Mon, May 24, 2004 at 10:09:13AM +0100, Randy Orrison (randy@orrison.com) wrote:
> Roberto Sanchez wrote:
> >Karsten M. Self wrote:
> >>    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\System] 
> >>"LocalProfile"=dword:00000001
> >>
> >>My only question is this:  is this key documented somewhere, and how
> >>would one ordinarially go about getting documentation on a registry key?
> >
> >Probably not documented.  I doubt MS would want people to know too much
> >about the registry.
> > [...]
> >That is one of the reasons I laugh at people who complain about the lack
> >of documentation for free software.
> As with most documentation, free and proprietary, it's easy to find if 
> you know in advance what you're looking for.  Going to www.microsoft.com 
> and entering "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Policies LocalProfile" into the search 
> box on the front page returns two hits, different pages with the same 
> content.  One is here:
> <http://www.microsoft.com/resources/documentation/WindowsServ/2003/all/deployguide/en-us/263737.asp>
> Extracting from that page:
> | LocalProfile
> |   HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\System
> | Description
> |   Only allow local user profiles.
> I'm not saying this would be easy to find if you didn't already know the 
> relevant registry key, but it is documented in the obvious place, and to 
> me it's clear what it means.  I have the same problem with documentation 
> for a lot of free software: if you know what you're looking for it's a 
> lot easier to find than if you just have a problem and don't know where 
> to look for the solution.

In the Free Software world, the answer would be a manpage that documents
either the entire file structure, or the relevant subtree of a shared
structure.  Of course, with GNOME rushing madly into fatal embrace of
the Registry, *and* abhorring manpages, all bets are off.  But we'll
file our bugreports here in Debian land.

But, say, for an application or suite which owned a particular subkey,
I'd expect to see:

  - A full listing of keys.
  - Values.
  - Behaviors.

Anything less would be a documentation bug.

This would be stored someplace reasonable.  Possibly cross-referencable
under "Registry Keys" or something in a documentation system (e.g.:
dwww, possibly a new manual section).

OK, having loaded the page here, it looks as if MSFT _are_ finally
headed in this direction.  But it's interesting to note how little-known
or referenced this particular help subsystem is.  My own search for
various keys didn't turn up anything remotely resembling this.  Instead
we've got a mass of "<Foo product> tips", a few O'Reilly hacks &
annoyances books, and the like.  Scattered suggestions, but no apparent
awareness of a canonical references.

There's also the slight issue that that's a W2K+3 ref and I'm working
XP, but I'll hunt for the other.


Karsten M. Self <kmself@ix.netcom.com>        http://kmself.home.netcom.com/
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