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RE: [OT] Might this be a symptom of a virus/worm?

> >
> > I wouldn't worry about it.  It was likely stripped out of some
> > previous message header.
> That's what I thought most likely, just that Googling for "chipster
> robert virus" (without the quotes) failed to turn up any references to
> a virus using those fake user names, so I was wondering if anyone else
> had encountered this sort of thing.
> --
> Pigeon

Yep Pigeon,

it's an M$-Virus.... The virus itself is quite nasty, once you're infected,
it mostly uses .vbs (visual basic script) to scan the address book, and then
sends out mails via Outlook to each and every one in the address book. It
uses the address book and the names in it ALSO as the sender.... So don't be
worried and DON't send back any warnings (that's what we see here on the
list everyday). It's quite funny that a User-List, sends mail, isn't it?
Probably someone on this list (who has debian list user as an address in
his/her address book) is infected and the virus uses debian-user-list as a

This virus has a lot of variants, maybe you've found a new one? Well what
the heck, you don't need to be worried as long as you don't use M$ :-)


Here are some of them listed, there may be more, I dunno... if it's a newer
version and the real sender or the real infected person can be narrowed
down, you can submit this virus to symantec. They are very helpful (of
course they are, it's their job :)!!!


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