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Re: [OT] Might this be a symptom of a virus/worm?

On Sat, May 15, 2004 at 08:50:00AM -0400, Roberto Sanchez wrote:
> Pigeon wrote:
> >I have received an email from the
> >progressivemusicforum@yahoogroups.com mailing list, to which I am
> >subscribed. The originator of the email has sent it to a large number
> >of recipients, as shown in the To: header - legitimately, not as spam,
> >but there are two spurious entries in the list:
> >
> >Chipster@schnellbox.pigeonloft
> >Robert@schnellbox.pigeonloft
> >
> >"schnellbox.pigeonloft" is an internal hostname of mine, obviously not
> >routable from "the outside". It is the box from which I post to the
> >progressivemusicforum list. I don't have users named "Chipster" or
> >"Robert". There is nothing in my exim logs relating to "Chipster" or
> >"Robert" and chkrootkit says nothing untoward is on any of my machines.
> >
> I wouldn't worry about it.  It was likely stripped out of some
> previous message header.

That's what I thought most likely, just that Googling for "chipster
robert virus" (without the quotes) failed to turn up any references to
a virus using those fake user names, so I was wondering if anyone else
had encountered this sort of thing.


Be kind to pigeons
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