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Re: [OT Why GB English is different] Re: Mozilla firefox en-gb

On Wednesday 05 May 2004 03:02 pm, Damon L. Chesser wrote:

> > Consider "101 Dalmations":  I've usually heard that said as
> > "one hundred and one dalmations" and that certainly doesn't
> > mean 100.1 of them.
> As I said, in common usage it is ignored and understood what you mean.
> It's like "never end a sentence in a prepresitional phrase".  I don't
> unless I have to. ;)

One hundred and one.  Two hundred two.  Sixteen thousand three hundred and 
eighty-seven.  Two hundred and eighty-three billion, six hundred fifty four 
million, five hundred seventy-six thousand, two hundred thirty-three point 
six three five one zero two four six nine.

Hrm...  Your way must be that "new math" or something.  "Point" means "decimal 
place" and "and" seems to be something I use in some spots but not in others.

It could very well indeed be that "new math."  I can't help my son with his 
homework.  I have no fscking idea how he gets through anything, but somehow 
that bizarre way he does things leads to the same place.  Usually.

Michael McIntyre  ----   Silvan <dmmcintyr@users.sourceforge.net>
Linux fanatic, and certified Geek;  registered Linux user #243621

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