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Re: Installing mplayer 1.0pre3 from source

On Sun, Jan 18, 2004 at 04:13:57PM -0600, Todd Pytel wrote:
> Do you actually understand what all the various compile-time options
> are, and why you may or may not want them? For probably 99% of users,
> the basic options in premade packages are all they need. If you're in
> that 1% left over, then by all means compile away. It's nice to have the
> power if you need it, but silly to reinvent a perfectly good wheel.

I don't add any special compile-time switches to optimize it:
the default debian/rules has an "--enable-runtime-cpu-detection"
flag set which I remove.

Mplayer will then optimize itself for your particular CPU, no heroics 
required.  In fact, it will complain at some point that you really 
should do that.

Not sure how *much* difference it makes, but mplayer put it in there 
for some reason, I'm sure.  Plus, my source.list is simpler without 3rd 
party apt sources -- and thus my dependency hell is lessened.  Plus, 
it's fun!

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