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Re: [postfix-tls] SASL LOGIN authentication failed [SOLVED]

> | Do you think it would be productive to contact the maintainer?
> Probaly not.  LaMont knows he chroots the daemons for the debian
> package (it's a conscious change from the defaults Wietse ships
> postfix with).

He may know but I sure didn't. It would have helped a lot to at least mention
somewhere that you have to do some setup for pwcheck.

> I know that with SASL2, saslauthd is in the 'sasl2-bin' package (since
> I have it installed, and 'dlocate' tells me that).  Have you tried
> installing and looking in the 'sasl-bin' package, for SASL1?

Yes, that is what provides pwcheck:

# apt-file list sasl-bin
sasl-bin                usr/sbin/pwcheck
sasl-bin                usr/sbin/sasldblistusers
sasl-bin                usr/sbin/saslpasswd
sasl-bin                usr/share/doc/sasl-bin
sasl-bin                usr/share/man/man8/pwcheck.8.gz
sasl-bin                usr/share/man/man8/sasldblistusers.8.gz
sasl-bin                usr/share/man/man8/saslpasswd.8.gz

But you can also see it does not provide saslauthd. Sasl2-bin does not appear to
be available on pure woody systems (if that is the correct speak for non-"mixed").


A program should be written to  model the concepts of the task it
performs rather than the physical world or a process because this
maximizes the  potential for it  to be applied  to tasks that are
conceptually similar and, more  important, to tasks that have not
yet been conceived.

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