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Re: renew SSL key used in apache-ssl

On Wed, Jan 07, 2004 at 10:59:53PM -0600, Jacob S. wrote......
> <snip>
> It's probably not the "Debian way", but I normally mv the old
> apache.pem file so I still have it as backup - just in case, and then
> run "ssl-certificate". You don't have to specify any options or
> anything and it will create a new apache.pem in the proper location,
> asking you for details such as Country, State, e-mail address, etc. 

Where does one find 'ssl-certificate'?  I've tried to 'locate' it with
no success.  Checked and it's not an openssl command.  Looked for a
package that might contain it using apt-cache search.  But turning up

Is it a 3rd-party, non-Debian script?


Kevin Coyner
mailto: kevin@rustybear.com
GnuPG key: 1024D/8CE11941

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