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Re: Debian / UFS File System

On Wed, 2004-01-07 at 14:00 -0700, Devin Atencio wrote:
> Debian Users,
> I currently have a FreeBSD machine at home with all my filesystems being
> UFS. I was thinking of maybe converting over to Debian Linux but didn't know
> If Debian supports reading/writing to UFS filesystems. Would this be an easy
> Thing to do or is UFS very experimental with Debian and I would have a big
> Hastle of trying to convert the filesystem over to some other format?
> Any comments would be appreciated.
> Devin Atencio

It would seem ufs.o is included in Debian's kernels, and I can't imagine
they'd include that without support for BSD disklabels, so you should be
good to go "out of the box"

I have:

$ grep freebsd /etc/fstab
/dev/hda7  /mnt/freebsd      ufs  ro,ufstype=44bsd   0  0
/dev/hda9  /mnt/freebsd/var  ufs  ro,ufstype=44bsd   0  0
/dev/hda10 /mnt/freebsd/tmp  ufs  ro,ufstype=44bsd   0  0
/dev/hda11 /mnt/freebsd/usr  ufs  ro,ufstype=44bsd   0  0

and everything just works.

" dmesg | grep bsd " should output a copy of the bsd disklabel, ala

$ dmesg | grep bsd
 hda3: <bsd: hda7 hda8 hda9 hda10 hda11 >

and file -s on each of those devices should give a good indication of which
slice mounts where.

write-support for UFS under linux is marked experimental / dangerous
(and still is in 2.6.0) so I haven't tried it.


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