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Re: killthread script

On Wed, Jan 07, 2004 at 02:03:04PM -0700, s. keeling wrote:
> Incoming from Matt Price:
> > On Wed, Jan 07, 2004 at 02:49:18AM -0600, Jesse Meyer wrote:
> > > 
> > > First of all, a good email client, aliases, and a killthread script is
> > 
> > I have pretty good spamfilters up now, but I still find there's a bit
> > too much info for me.  How does one implement a "killthread script"?
> In mutt, type "?"  That shows ^D is mapped to delete thread (at least
> here it is).
ahh... I sort of thought that what was meant by "killthread" was a way
to pre-emptively kill messages from a particular thread before they
appear (ideally), this would either be done after procmail delivers
the mail, or through some kind of dynamic addition to .procmailrc).  

Deleting threads is a good start, but with some of the super-active
threads on this list or (say) users@openoffice.org, deleting a thread
just lets it show up again later on.

does anyone have some kind of script they've developed for htis


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