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Re: Package installing / Kernel Upgrade

On (06/01/04 14:33), Jan Albrecht wrote:
> after my debian is working without problems on my firewall for a few months,
> I have two more or less simple questions:
> #1
> While updating or installing a package the computer needs a lot of time. For
> example updating 2 packages took about 45 minutes. Okay, the computer is
> only a P133 with 16 MB RAM, but is this a normal behaviour? RPM never took
> so long to install.
> Is there any way to speed up this process or just the normal way?
This doesn't sound right - I have an 80Mz Mac with 80Mb RAM and 160Mb swap 
... increasing the RAM should help.

> #2
> Is it possible to install a new kernel with "apt-get upgrade"? Or is the
> only way to upgrade the kernel to recompile a new one with the dpkg options?
The latest kernel image available as a package is 2.4.18 (woody) - there are 
later kernels in testing/unstable.


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