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Re: RH Veteran is now a Debian Newbie

Michael B Allen wrote:

I just got a "linode" UML VPS over at linode.com and booted debian 3.0r1
2.2.24 on it. I've been using RH 7.3 and it's been a very solid distro
for me but I feel like I'm being left behind at this point. Whenever I
update a package I have to get the source from their latest packages
and rebuild. So I thought I'd try debian as it seems a little more
consistent. Is this true? Is 3.0r1 glibc 2.3. How is support for
UTF-8 locales? Etc. What surprises can a RH user expect?

Off to read about dpkg ....


Woody is actually glibc 2.2 based.

Other than that, yes support is very consistent.  You can get package
sources yourself and build them (say, if you want to run xfree86 4.3
on Woody), you can find back ports of newer packages, or you can
just stick to the packages in the distro.


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