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Re: Now We Are Rollin'

Monique Y. Herman wrote:
On Sun, 30 Nov 2003 at 20:00 GMT, Paul Morgan penned:

On Sun, 30 Nov 2003 11:37:56 -0700, Monique Y. Herman wrote:

On Sun, 30 Nov 2003 at 12:04 GMT, Paul Morgan penned:

You have a fair chance of gaining some unexpected experience points
by logging into X as root, unless you are unplugging all external
network devices first.  Not allowing root access to X is pretty much
at the top of my "never, ever do this under any circumstances" list.
There are several ways in which you can get hurt, none of which I
wish to advertise in an open forum.

Security through obscurity?  C'mon, now!

Inquiring minds want to know!

Very funny, kiddo :)

I was genuinely curious ... but hey, whatever.  I rarely even run X, let
alone as root!

I don't want to get anyone's system fscked up, they're all pretty
much documented in security howtos, etc.

Anyway, if one *doesn't* allow root login access to X, one can't
accidentally do dumb stuff like execute IRC clients, etc.

IIRC, either xchat or bitchx ... probably bitchx ... won't even let you
run as root.

and GDM won't let you login as root...


I am an expert on doing dumb stuff, but even I have limits :)

I have yet to fully explore my limits, I'm sure =P

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