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Re: alternative to mrproject (gnome project planner)


Don't know if it was said but try:


It works fine for me as an alternative to the infamous/costly M$ Project Server.

However, this needs mysql-php-apache, but it runs perfectly.


At 11:34 17.11.2003, you wrote:
On Mon, 17 Nov 2003, Arnt Karlsen wrote:
> ..old SuSE crap???  Urls?
> > He will need to do quite a lot of fixing to get it to use proper
> > up-to-date tools such as those in Debian sid :)
> ..if it _is_ crap, it should be shot down, we don't need crap in Debian.

Taskjuggler uses whatever crap is in Suse to build its docbook manuals, it
seems to be developed in perl 5.6, etc.  But the only thing that pissed me
off was that they used an old version of Postscript::Simple (which ain't in
Debian yet anyway), and that they have some bugs in that thing.

Nothing serious in taskjuggler itself, except maybe for updating the docbook
stuff.  It worked fine in perl 5.8, even the unicode stuff worked right.
But I doubt the generated postscript for the GANNT frontend will work well
with anything but iso-8859-1 output, and that after you fix it adding '-iso'
after all the postscript font names.

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  Henrique Holschuh

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