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Re: Browsers that *don't* support about:blank

Tom wrote:
I filed a wishlist bug against "links" asking for it to support about:blank (highly useful in frames pages as a default for the "body" frame).

Thats an abuse of side effects and its usefulness is debatable. A highly useful default page in a frameset is one with relevant CONTENT. If you really want a blank page, create a blank page.

Maintainer closed it as a nonstandard feature, but asked me I could point to a standard. Do you know of any significant graphical browsers that don't support "about:blank" by returning a blank page? I know they all handle other "about:xxx" commands differently.

I think what he meant was as standard as in some sort of accepted and somewhat followed document like say... an RFC or w3c standard. In other words some sort of guarentee that is less subject to interpretation than my-browser-does-it-this-way. In addition to browsers, how are spiders that make an attempt at doing frames supposed to support about:blank? In other words, what does it offer to the world at large as a standard that can be relied on and is different from a blank page? If its just a way to avoid 3 html tags, is it really even worth creating a patch and supporting? Further, if you did use about:blank for a page and at some point MS decides to make about:blank an msn page, opera decides to sell advertising space on about:blank and konqeror points to kde.org/news, who is right?

Beides. When I start links with no arguments, I get a blank page. Whats the problem? You should file a bug against whatever site uses about:blank as content.


Mental (Mental@NeverLight.com)

 "The Torah...  The Gospels...  The Koran...
 Each claimed as the infallible word of GOD.
 Misquoted, misinterpreted, misunderstood, and misapplied.
 Maybe that's why he doesn't do any more interviews." - sinfest.com


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