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Re: du and df problem... Please help!

Dave Henderson wrote:
I am sure you guys have seen this a hundred times.  I tried looking through groups.google.com for information on this, which I did find, but nothing that really said how to fix the problem.  All my findings just basically said how the two programs read size information differently.  Here is my situation, all I have done is install the base OS from a cd, then remove certain packages via dpkg (along with deleting some empty dir's and such).  I haven't added ANY files to the system or made ANY links to anything.  When I run du on each root directory (ie. /boot, /dev, etc), I totaled up the sizes given for each directory, the total OS size is reported as being around 22mb.  If I run the df command, I get a total OS size of 55mb.  I would understand if the two figures were close to one another, but the df size is more than double that of the du size.
     During my readings in groups.google.com, some people said to check what mounts you have because df reports sizes from those also.  I have no mounts to anything (my mtab file only contains /dev/hda3 (which is my root partition) and the proc fs).  Also I only have 2 partitions, 1 for swap, 1 for all the rest.  I have rebooted and checked the sizes again, as well as shutdown completely and check the sizes with no changes.  Can someone PLEASE HELP ME!
Dave Henderson

du reports disk space used by individual files. df reports unused disk
space.  If you are using an ext3 file system, the file system takes
32 MB for the journal.  Thus your 22 MB of files plus the 32 MB
journal are approx. equal to the 35 MB reported by df.



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