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Re: cloning Debian hard drive

On Wednesday, August 27, 2003, at 01:27  AM, Victory wrote:
1, Is there way to clone this hard drive ?

If you are cloning it to an identical hard drive, you can use dd, eg:

dd if=/dev/hda of=/dev/hdb

2, Is it possible to create bootable CD of the working system so that
    when I boot to new system from CD  it will install exact the same
    with the working system I have now.

systemimager can do this. I haven't ever used it to make a CD, but I have used it to network boot installs.

You would need to install systemimager-server on another machine and systemimager-client on the one you are cloning.

Run 'prepareclient' on the client, then 'getimage' on the server. Then run 'updateclient' on the destination machine.


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