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Re: your mail

On Thursday 22 May 2003 05:17, Jamie Lawrence wrote:
> On Wed, 21 May 2003, Aryan Ameri wrote:
> > On Wednesday 21 May 2003 22:46, Jamie Lawrence wrote:
> >
> > OK, but my question was this, if P2 downloads software S is from a
> > ftp site in A, is he also doing anything wrong? Or are the laws
> > only restricting P1 ?
> I don't know. Morally, I don't believe so. As a matter of law, I'm
> not qualified to answer.
> > > Regarding your question: I believe it is true that one must
> > > attempt to limit distribution of software to the Evil Countries
> > > List if doing so from the US. (Iran, Iraq, Libia, N. Korea, I
> > > think Sudan, some others).
> >
> > Could you please stop using the term "Evil Countries"? Believe me,
> > there are Iranians in this list (like me), and as a patriot, it
> > just hurts your pride when you see someone calls your country,
> > "Evil". There are probably other terms which imply the same
> > meaning, but are not this rude.
> Sorry. I meant the usage to be ironic. I was not attempting to cast
> anyone in any sort of light at all. I have no problem with anyone in
> Iran. (Or, as far as I know, anyone else on the List. I have lots of
> problems with people in the US, but that also has nothing to do with
> US policy.)
> I find it silly that you can't use my software. I'm not about to give
> you software that people with guns tell my I can't; but I still find
> it silly.
> That's what I find silly. I really, really _don't_ mean that I
> think you or your nation is evil. I mean no offense at all.
> Please see this as a language problem, not a people problem.

Yes, it was a language problem indeed. As a mater of fact, because my 
mother language is not English, I'm not able to determine the true 
meaning of words, when they are used Sarcastically (As someone pointed 
out ).

Anyway, it was a misunderstanding. Actually the whole point of asking 
this question, was that I didn't want to break any US law. I might 
disagree with many of your government's views, but still, I asked this 
question about cryptographic software, just to make sure that by using 
them, I'm not breaking any US/International law.

/* There is SCO owned IP all over the Linux kernel. SCO will hunt them.
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 --Mohammad Al-Sahhaf SCO Sopkesman, Former Iraqi information minister*/

Aryan Ameri

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