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Re: why is debian the only distribution that won't let me run X?

On Tue, Oct 28, 2003 at 04:26:50AM +0100, Wilko Fokken wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 27, 2003 at 02:53:11AM +0000, Pigeon wrote:
> > 
> > SiS6326-based cards are cheap, are available in PCI format, and can be
> > used with svgatextmode using my ClockProg. They're crap for games but
> > fine for desktop stuff.
> > 
> Thanks for your information, I'll try buying such a card.
> What is it about your 'ClockProg', can it's output be used as "Clocks" 
> in '/etc/X11/XF86Config' ?

Its output goes directly to the registers in the video chip...

svgatextmode can handle everything it needs to on the 6326 apart from
changing the clock; fortunately its authors foresaw this situation and
incorporated the facility for svgatextmode to call an external program
to set the clock ('ClockProg' entry in /etc/TextConfig). So my program
accepts a clock frequency as a command line parameter and sets the
6326's registers appropriately.

X (at least 4.2 and above, haven't tried it with 4.1) already knows
about this chip and doesn't need help programming the clock. Also, the
clock can be set to any desired frequency so there's no need for a
"clocks" line in XF86Config for this card.

(You do however need one in /etc/TextConfig, because older SiS chips
did need one and svgatextmode doesn't know that the 6326 doesn't
without hacking the source... so you just make one up listing all the
frequencies you think you'll need.)


Be kind to pigeons
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