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Re: Howto get one (1) file from an rpm ???

Thus spake Michael D Schleif:
> First, I need to know -- for certain -- whether or not the file I am
> looking for is inside the RPM's that I have.
> Second, how can I extract that one (1) file from the RPM?
> What do you think?

1) To find out which package an installed file belongs to:
      rpm -qf /some/file
   To find out what files an installed package contains:
      rpm -ql package
   To find out which files an rpm contains:
      rpm -qlp file.rpm

2) To extract the files from an rpm:
      rpm2cpio file.rpm | cpio -id

Nathan Poznick <poznick@conwaycorp.net>

I used to be an adult before I grew up.

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