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Re: Mutt: "/home/adam/Maildir/ is not a mailbox"

Jeffrey L. Taylor wrote:
Quoting Adam Bogacki <afb@paradise.net.nz>:

Hmmm... I've read (& shamelessly borrowed) your configs and commented/uncommented everything in favour of Maildir in .procmailrc & .muttrc and when, as user, I try mutt I get

"---Mutt: (no mailbox) [Msgs:0]---(threads/date)-------------------------(all)---/home/adam/Maildir/ is not a mailbox."

Maildir should be a directory with new, cur, and tmp sub-directories
in it.  I can duplicate the error message is I delete the
subdirectories.  Are you sure you created them?

The best way to create a maildir is

$ maildirmake Maildir

which creates the necessary subdirectories and sets the permissions reasonably.

maildirmake is in packages courier-base and maildrop


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