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Re: Network not enabled with upgraded kernel, 2.2.20->2.4.18, Dell Insp 4100 NB

on Fri, Jun 20, 2003 at 11:30:56AM -0700, e broyles (e_broyles@yahoo.com) wrote:
> Installing a new kernel over a newly installed Woody system, upgrading
> to 2.4.18.  This all goes pretty well.  

> I apt-get the kernel source etc, and configure through menuconfig and
> install using dpkg.  It installs fine, boots no problem.  I think it
> is in menuconfig that I have a problem.  I am likely missing the part
> of the kernel I need to get the networking(it had been working with
> 2.2.20, which is what the Woody disk had on it).  

> Alternatively, what setup might I need to do?  It did things magically
> when I installed Woody, found my network, got an IP, but perhaps there
> is something I need to do once the new kernel is installed.
> System Particulars:
> Debian, upgrading kernel 2.2.20->2.4.18
> Dell Inspiron 4100 with built in Ethernet
> Intel PIII 1 Ghz
> Also have a PCMCIA Orinoco wireless card

Hi, Ed.

  - Stock or custom kernel?  Custom from the sound of it, helps to be

  - What's your network device?  Ethernet, onboard card, PCMCIA, or

  - Is the driver loaded?  What's the output of '/sbin/lsmod' or 'cat
    /proc/modules' (equivalent commands)?

  - Is the driver listed in /etc/modules for automatic loading at boot?

  - If this is a custom kernel, you can re-run menuconfig and pick up your
    changes.  There's also an option to pick up your current configuration
    out of /boot/config-$( uname -r ), though I can never remember it.
    You can also do a 'grep -i <module> /boot/config-$( uname -r )' to
    see whether and/or how you configured the module.


    [karsten@superego:karsten]$ grep -i e1000 /boot/config-$( uname -r )

...shows me that my gigabit-ethernet card is configured as a module.  If
it yad been "CONFIG_E1000=y", then it's built into the kernel, if the
line was commented or the value was 'n', it's not configured.


Karsten M. Self <kmself@ix.netcom.com>        http://kmself.home.netcom.com/
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