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downgrade wants to rm coreutils!

Wishing to downgrade a mixed box to stable I moved
/etc/apt/apt.conf out the way, commented out all the
lines corresponding to backports from
/etc/apt/sources.list and wrote /etc/apt/preferences
pinning stable at 1001 and testing at 550. After an
apt-get update I ran apt-get -s dist-upgrade and got 2

1. It wants to remove kernel-image-2.4.20-686 and the
associated pcmcia-modules - not a surprise, but how do
I stop this happening? Tried to pin them at 1000 and
even removed the 
Package: *
Pin: release a=testing
Pin-Priority: 550
entry from /etc/apt/preferences as well, all to no

2. I get the message

WARNING: The following essential packages will be
This should NOT be done unless you know exactly what
you are doing!

I'm certainly not comfortable with letting this
happen... why should it want to do this and can I let
it... otherwise how do I remedy this?



Simon Tod

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