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Re: printing - do i give up?


> some help please. something that will work and simple to understand

Some time ago I also had some problems getting printing to work with
cups.  After reading the Printing Howto I decided to try out pdq in
stead of an lpr-based printing system.  And I enjoy it!

If you want to try it, the following might help. I followed the
instructions in the HOWTO, but I think there is an easier way.

apt-get install pdq xpdq (after you removed the cups-related packages)

run xpdq and use the "Printer" menu to add a printer and configure it.

I also did a

cd /usr/bin
ln -sv pdq lpr

so that I did not have to change the configuration of all the programs
with printing capabilities.

Johann Spies          Telefoon: 021-808 4036
Informasietegnologie, Universiteit van Stellenbosch

     "It is better to trust in the LORD than to put  
      confidence in man."    Psalms 118:8 

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