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SMTP error in fetchmail fetch

Can anyone interpret this syslog message for me?  

Nov 15 08:59:24 sakura fetchmail[19276]: SMTP error: 550 Syntax error in
'To' header: "@" or "." expected after "Low": failing address is: <Low
Rates On Your Dream Home!> 
Nov 15 08:59:24 sakura fetchmail[19276]:  not flushed

Clearly the message that I'm trying to fetch is spam, so I really don't
care about fetching it.  But is this err msg the result of the spammer
setting up his/her email incorrectly, or could it be that I've got
something misconfigured?

And I presume that the "not flushed" msg means that it did not get
downloaded.  Does that mean it will sit out in my pop3 inbox on my ISP's
mail server forever?  Or hopefully after a day or two it gets bounced
back to the spammer as undeliverable.

I use fetchmail/exim/procmail/spamassassin/mutt.


Kevin Coyner
mailto: kevin@rustybear.com
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