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transferring files via floppy

I'm trying to configure Smoothwall to use in conjunction with my 
Woody boxes and have problems in configuring ssh. I want to
print out some of SM's config files so that I can study them at 
leisure, but can't find a way to copy them onto a floppy (on SM 
itself) and then mount them on Woody.

Formatting a floppy with 'fdformat' and the using 'dd' appears to 
put something on the floppy, but then trying to mount it on Woody 
keeps giving the 'wrong filesystem etc etc' error message. I've 
tried using 'cp' and even toyed with 'install' but nothing works. 
I've looked at 'setfdprm' and played with that to no avail.  

How can I achieve what I'm trying to do? I don't want to install 
'mtools' on Smoothwall (in fact I doubt I could do that!).

Grateful for help.


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