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Re: Why is my load average 3.00?

Andrew Perrin wrote:
> On a new box I just built, the load average has been 3.00 for a couple of
> days now, with really no significant work being done.

You probably have three processes in uninteruptable sleeps ("D" state in
ps output). This could be due from anything to a linux kernel bug to
hardware issues to user error. The processes cannot be killed, probably
will never leave D state unless you reboot, and are probably harmless.
Your cpu is not in fact being used any more than usual; the load average
just happens to include processes in this state by definition.

>    51 root       9   0     0    0     0 DW    0.0  0.0   0:00 khubd

Here's one of them.

see shy jo

Attachment: pgpV33nSXaVdy.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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