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Re: Mailing list software for debian.org

On Mon, 2002-10-21 at 18:54, Mike Egglestone wrote:
> Quoting Mike Egglestone <megglestone@heritage.sd57.bc.ca>:
> > Hi,
> > Which software package does this mailing list use
> > to run the list? 
> > I understand that Mailman is popular but wonder what
> > others are out there. Mostly curious as to what 
> > this list uses.
> Ahh, after checking around a bit more, Majordomo looks like the software,
> Please correct me if I'm wrong.

Actually, it's driven by SmartList (as mentioned on
http://www.debian.org/MailingLists/). But there's a backend (called
"Major Smart") at majordomo@lists.debian.org which accepts majordomo
commands in the message body and translates them to SmartList commands.

Claudio Bley                                 ASCII ribbon campaign (")
Debian GNU/Linux advocate                     - against HTML email  X 
http://www.cs.uni-magdeburg.de/~bley/                     & vCards / \

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