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Re: laptop environment detection

I expect either one would work well. I tried both and ended up with whereami, 
but YMMV. With whereami, I was also able to understand what was happening in 
the scripts despite being fairly ignorant of such things, and was able to 
quickly customize them to my purposes.

By the way, whereami also does the cable-detect business; it is called by 
"testmii" in the detect.conf file.

I am really looking for a program that can figure out automatically whether I 
am using the wired or wireless adaptor in my laptop (usually to the same 
network), and make the connection accordingly. 

Ideally, I would bring both up and let the ether sort them out. Unfortunately, 
the only reliable DHCP client I have found for my system is pump, and pump 
doesn't like having two interfaces up at the same time (neither works). I 
have found dhcpcd and dhclient to both be "hit and miss" whether I will get 
an IP address or not. 

So, I am fiddling around with whereami to do this; check for a wire, if so 
bring it up. If no wire, drop eth0 and bring up wlan0. Solves the "pump" 
problem; now all I have to do is get it to find the wireless card on boot.



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