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Re: Gnome and the accent type

On Thu, Oct 10, 2002 at 02:29:38PM +0200, Mig21 wrote:
> I've barely installed Debian 3.0 with Xfree 4.1.0 and Gnome 1.4.0 and
> I realize that all the gnome applications such as the Terminal, Xchat
> and gedit don't  recognize the accent type, how I can obviate it? The
> apllications that use libraries different from GTK haven't this
> problem.

run "dpkg-reconfigure locales", and generate the appropriate locales for
your country (in your case something like it_IT@EURO). Depending on your
preference, you can let all applications use Italian translations (if
they are available), by setting it_IT as the  default language. If you
only want to be able to see and type Italian characters, but prefer
English programs, set the default language to "C".

Also, in your .bashrc, put "export LC_CTYPE=it_IT" or (it_IT@EURO, in
case you want to use the iso-8859-15 character set), and "export
INPUTRC="~/.inputrc". Next, put this in ~/.inputrc, or change the
/etc/inputrc globally:

set meta-flag on
set convert-meta off
set output-meta on

Make sure your .bashrc file is sourced by uncommenting the relevant
parts in your ~/.bash_profile, and after that, you should have no
problems anymore with GTK applications.

Mathias De Belder

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