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Re: video memory vs.regular memory

On Sun, 15 Sep 2002 the mental interface of 
Lance Hoffmeyer told:

> Can someone explain or point me to a tutorial concerning the difference 
> between video memory and the memory on a motherboard?
> I am about to get a dual processer 1.67 AMD computer with 512M on the 
> motherboard.  I have a 3DFX TV card with 16M of video memory and
> a ATI Radeon w/32M memory.  I would like to use the Voodoo 3500 TV
> card as my video card but want to make sure it will handle modern games
> and such.

Put both on your motherborad! Both are supported by DRI! I suppose
you have only one AGP interface on the motherboard. So one ofe the
cards must be a PCI one then.

> If my understanding is correct, video memory determines the rate at which
> pictues are drawn on the screen and number of colors at different resolutions.

I suppose this is the ramdac? Video mem speeds up the graphic
interface for latching.

> Therefore, it doesn't seem that processor speed would help much if I had I
> game for instance that required 32M video memory.

ATI for gaming and the voodoo for TV

> Am I wrong in this assumption?  Is there a tradeoff with processor speed and
> mainboard memory and video memory?  In other words, is a 16M video card
> sufficient on a system that has 512M and 1.67Ghz processor?

No! Look at the new Nvidia's or the Radeon 8500! A voodoo 3 at a
double 1.67GHz is like an old beetle engine in a Porsche S1 body!



  Numeric stability is probably not all that 
  important when you're guessing;-)

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