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Setting up/using my own nntp server

Hi guys,

Running a Debian web/mail server and a few workstations (win/debian).
Right now, I'm using NNTP clients on my workstations to retrieve headers
from my ISP's newsserver. My idea is to let my server do all the header
retrievals, and let my clients connect to it. Ok, so far no problem, I'll
use INN for this. Now here comes the 'difficult' part...

Since my server is up and connected to the internet 24/7, I would like to
schedule downloads on my server, so I can turn my workstations off. So,
what I am looking for is a way to connect my clients to the nntp server,
tag the headers they want to retrieve, let the server download the
binaries and put them in a directory. Is this possible ???

Thanks for any advice on this matter,


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