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Re: Linux in Universities

> Ken Bloom wrote:
> > You should consider discussing universites whose departments use linux 
> > their labs. For example, I attend UC Davis and have taken computer 
> > in three departments: Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and
> > Mathematics. Each of these departments' labs run Unix variants 
> > Computer Science uses SGI, HP, and Linux/x86 ; Computer Engineering 
uses HP
> > and Linux/x86 ; Mathematics uses Linux/x86 exclusively. In some cases, 
> > have been restricted by the assignment to using Linux exclusively, 
even when
> > the department's lab includes other systems.
> I'm not averse to mentioning departments that use Linux, but I do
> prefer solid evidence (say, an official department computer support
> page that clearly indicates Linux is supported, or a good page
> describing
> how and why Linux is used in the department).  Fuzzier indications
> of Linux use are I think handled well already in my google search
> tallies.
> Got a good link for me?

I can't speak for other universities, but for the UC Davis departments 
that I mentioned, http://www.ece.ucdavis.edu/man/resources.html 

The math department's web page doesn't specifically mention Linux, but the 
department hosts a Red Hat mirror accessible through 
http://www.math.ucdavis.edu/comp/software/mirror, and has its computer lab 
web pages sprinkled with references to UNIXy software like Gnumeric, GIMP, 
LaTeX. It also mentions that the 28 workstations that students use are X 

I suppose it might be somewhat difficult to truly quantify how departments 
are using linux if you don't attend the university to actually physically 
visit the labs, but nonetheless Departmental labs are one of the biggest 
university uses of Linux, and this statistic surely outweighs the 
percentage of students who use linux.

> > UC Davis' general computer labs (open to all students) still run 
Windows and
> > MacOS9, but it seems like the University may be heading toward Linux.
> That's wonderful.  Do you have a URL of an official University page
> that has evidence of this?  (Not trying to be picky here, but I'm
> trying to convince the skeptics, not the believers.)

I'm sorry. This last part is my inference based on how frequently I have 
seen departmental labs using Linux and UNIX. I wasn't trying to imply that 
the university had any official policy. Perhaps I should have been more 

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