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Re: New to Debian

> Don't get me wrong Ken but your mail is some kind of horrific. We're
>  not a free of charge Support. We're willed to help but I - and I
> hope the others agree to my statement - would like to see some sort
>  of netiquette. Especially it's always a good thing to show that
> you've tried to solve your problems and got stuck. As a nice side effect
>  this kind of behaviour will not only please us but will help us to
>  give you better advices (as you can see by my answer it's not really
>  possible to help you with the given facts). Please refer the RFC
> called netiquette for more information.
I wonder if this is a little harsh. If you click on the "support" button on the Debian Web site you may find yourself directed to this list. The code of conduct (http://www.uk.debian.org/MailingLists/) says nothing about netiquette, neither does the email message you get when you first subscribe. (Perhaps this message could be altered to include some guidance?) Could we not welcome new users by pointing them more gently in the right direction?

Can anyone tell me where to find "the RFC called netiquette" referred to?


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