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mailx problem with times


I am having a problem with /usr/bin/mail, a component of the mailx package.
It seems to be setting the date incorrectly on my mail spool file.

Here is an example to show what I mean...

  chasm@galileo:/var/mail$ ls --full-time chasm ; date
  -rw-rw----    1 chasm    mail        72379 Thu Aug 08 16:56:35 2002 chasm
  Thu Aug  8 16:56:50 BST 2002

No problems here yet.

  chasm@galileo:/var/mail$ echo Testing | mail -s "foo" chasm

After I sent the mail I check the times again...

  chasm@galileo:/var/mail$ ls --full-time chasm ; date
  -rw-rw----    1 chasm    mail        73043 Thu Aug 08 16:57:32 2002 chasm
  Thu Aug  8 16:57:34 BST 2002

Still no problems, yet...

I then run the "mail" command, do not read the email, and use 'q' to exit.
The mail file is changed because the email is marked as unread (but no
longer new). Finally...

  chasm@galileo:/var/mail$ ls --full-time chasm ; date
  -rw-rw----    1 chasm    mail        73053 Thu Aug 08 17:15:58 2002 chasm
  Thu Aug  8 16:58:08 BST 2002

The timestamp for /var/mail/chasm is now set to the future.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance,

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