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Re: Recover previous version of files?

On Wed, Aug 07, 2002 at 11:17:04PM -0500, Jacob S. wrote:
> I was viewing a large html file in an html editor, and edited out 90%
> of it's content, and meant to save it to a separate file. However, I
> accidentally saved it to the same location as the larger file. The file
> was opened from, and saved to an ext3 partition. Is there a way to
> recover the old, larger file? 
> Debugfs, lsdel only shows deleted inodes as recent as Aug. 2nd, so I
> know it's not showing the file. 
> I still have a copy of the original file open in an html viewer (Opera),
> but it tries to read the saved copy, whenever you tell it to save it to
> a different location, or even a simple "view source". 
> I know I can cut and paste the file, using my mouse, but then it
> doesn't copy the html tags. 
> (This file isn't anything mission critical, so it really is ok if it
> gets lost, I just thought I'd use it as practice run, should I ever
> need to recover something important.)

Here is a mini-HOWTO on undeleting Ext2fs files. I am not sure how it
needs to be modified, if at all, for ext3.



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