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Re: Can't get fs recognized as ext3

James Hughes <jhughes@kos.net> schrieb am 07.08.2002, 06:26:01:
> ... snipp ...
> No, I'm using a custom 2.4.16 kernel (built with make-kpkg). I'm going
> to take Craig's advice (see previous post in thread) and try
> recompiling the kernel with ext3 support directly in the kernel, not
> as a module. Although, I do wonder, why would it be offered as a
> module if the module doesn't work?
> James

It will work as a module for other partitions, but not for the root
partition. As a module it goes like this: to mount the root partition as
ext3 you need the module for ext3 support -> to load the module for ext3
support you need access to the root partition (/lib/modules/2.4.16/...)
to get access to the root partition you need to mount the root partition
to mount the the root partition as ext3 you the module for ext3 support
So if you are going to use ext3 only for some partitions (e.g. for
partitions with many file changes like /var or /home) you can use ext3
support as a module. Normally the root partition should be a fairly
partition which contains only files that do not change regularly. In
case the root partition could be mounted read-only (and remounted as
read-write when needed) and an ext2 filesystem would be sufficient.


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