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Re: No IRQ known for ...

On 24.07.2002 17:43 nate wrote:
ack! i was hoping i wouldn't have to answer that one ..


I think
it can be tricky. are you using the onboard IDE controllers on
the motherboard?


if so are you using both primary and secondary?

primaty for hd (master), secondary for CDROM (master) and CDWR (slave)

but it sounds like its a harmless message. also it helps to
be sure any "Plug and play" options are turned off in the bios
for maximum compadiblity.

as far as I saw untill now, yes, it appears like a harmless message. But you know, I prefer a boot without warnings... :)

Thank you very much for your advices! I will keep working on them.


Marcelo Chiapparini

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