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Re: OT: Flamebait: Text vs HTML email - Long message

<quote who="Kent West">

> James asked "What can be expressed in HTML that can't be expressed as
> well, if not better, as an attachment?" The first thing that popped into
> my mind was multiple colours for quoting. Yes, yes, the > and >> and >>>

this could be handled without html. the client could
automatically color-code depending on the level of ">"
characters. and still maintain a text email otherwise.

squirrelmail for example does this to some extent, not
multiple levels, but when i read a message with the particular
theme i have loaded, quoted text is dark red, and new text
is white. even if the message is plain text. It shouldn't
be hard to take it a step further to do what you describe.

doing this in html I think would require the same code on
the clients to know where to put in the right colors anyways,
so it wouldn't become useful i think until a good deal of
people were using clients that had such a feature.

> James also thinks that the use of HTML is because "people are
> tremendously lazy." And like others he mentions that HTML is easily

yeah. an example for me would be last week Real networks sent
me a spam advertising their new RealOne player. at the top of
the email said 'scroll down and click on the remove me link to
be removed'. so i scrolled down(in text mode) expecting to
see a URL that i can go to but no, all there was was the text
 "remove me" nothing to indicate how to get removed. so i sent
an email to webmaster, support, sales, etc asking to get removed
and asked them to improve the way they send their spam out.

> Ron asked me to set my Mozilla mailer to wrap at 72 columns.
> Interestingly, it is. Anyone want to help me diagnose what's going wrong?
> Ron also mentioned that lynx doesn't support HTML particularly well, so
> my example of using it is flawed.

not sure ....netscape 4 had an annoying word-wrap bug where
it wouldn't wordwrap till after you hit send, mozilla seems
to have fixed that by word wrapping as you compose. i use
mozilla 1.0 for my work mail and haven't had this problem
from what i can see.

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