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Re: OT: Flamebait: Text vs HTML email

nate wrote:
> <quote who="Michael D. Schleif">
> > children's generations, too.  What is wrong with learning to speak and
> > write in clear, comprehensible sentences and paragraphs?  This is really
> > rare, even in the ascii universe; but, O, so much rarer in the world of
> > webpages and multimedia forums.
> i don't know about others, but 7 years of irc has royally screwed
> my spelling, punctuation, and grammer i'm sure. lol

OK, afore I gets flambayed fer criticizin' yo bros dat don' wanna
commoonikate kleerly, let me say this about dat:

Perhaps -- pure conjecture -- if somebody isn't satisfied with their
ability to communicate in ascii, perhaps, before going off the deep end
and deluging us with even less intelligible babble (i.e., haven't seen
any xhtml compliant Email programs), perhaps, a few hours with Hodge's
Harbrace College Handbook, or some similar book, perhaps, that might
extend one's propensity for communicating clearly.

In other words, scribal whatever ascii you can pound out and send out to
the internet, I won't be your editor.

However, please, please, please, do not force me to endure any more
amateurish markup practice doodling . . .


Best Regards,

mds resource

Dare to fix things before they break . . .

Our capacity for understanding is inversely proportional to how much we
think we know.  The more I know, the more I know I don't know . . .

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