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Re: OT: Flamebait: Text vs HTML email

"Jamin W. Collins" wrote:
> On Wed, 24 Jul 2002 15:18:23 -0500 Kent West <westk@acu.edu> wrote:
> > As a general rule, members of this list prefer email to be in plain text
> > format. Over the years I've tried to adhere to that (and will continue
> > to do so). However, I'm thinking that perhaps it's time to rethink that
> > "rule". A more graphical format like HTML can convey more information
> > (charts, images, textual structure, color, font, etc) than just plain
> > text.
> All of which can be sent as an attachment, in formats _much_ better suited
> to the task than HTML.

<rant style="attitude: belligerent">

<p style="attitude: abrasive">
Or, more to the point, publish it on your own personal website/webpage
and provide a simple link to same in your ascii message.  That way,
whomever is actually interested in your non-textual bandwidth hog can
browse away to her heart's desire . . .

<p style="attitude: coarse">
What could possibly be a better medium for html and other markup
languages than a website.  In fact, webservers were designed to do just
that, host markup language media.

<p style="attidude: uncompromising">
I'm always puzzled by these rants and queries.  Amazing to me, books,
those antiquated hardcopy reserves of printed ascii, have served my
purposes for nearly fifty years, as well as several dozens of
generations before me, and will likely serve my children's children's
children's generations, too.  What is wrong with learning to speak and
write in clear, comprehensible sentences and paragraphs?  This is really
rare, even in the ascii universe; but, O, so much rarer in the world of
webpages and multimedia forums.


<snip />


Best Regards,

mds resource

Dare to fix things before they break . . .

Our capacity for understanding is inversely proportional to how much we
think we know.  The more I know, the more I know I don't know . . .

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