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Re: gcc 3.1 on Woody?

* user list <debian-user@icantbelieveimdoingthis.com> [020724 06:14]:

> Has anyone tried installing the gcc3.1 package from unstable on a
> woody platform?

Yes, it works in my system. (Actually it is a a sarge/testing system,
but currently this is pretty much the same).

To easily install Packages from unstable/testing on your woody box
(including dependendcy solution) you can add deb and deb-src lines for
unstable/testing in your /etc/apt/sources.list, and put
'APT::Default-Release "stable";' in your (perhaps new)
So you should be able to install packeges from the unstable tree by
typing "apt-get install -t unstable foo", while you still keep stable,
when you make a "apt-get (dist-)upgrade".



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